CO2 neutralization


Any company can join the program to reduce or neutralize its CO2 emissions.

The basic requirement is "know your emissions" as described and certified in the company's Carbon Foot Print document.

Below, the BNeutral standard of BIOS srl (certification body) and the new one PdR UNI 99: 2020 regulate the method for obtaining the carbon neutrality certificate (on product or organization).

Regarding the method, the reference are :

  • UNI 11646 Greenhouse gases. Requirements for the implementation of voluntary systems for the generation of carbon credits deriving from projects to reduce emissions or increase GHG removals ".
  • UNI EN ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specifications and guidance, at the organization level, for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and their removal.
  • UNI EN ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specifications and guidance, at project level, for the quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions or the increase in their removal.
  • UNI EN ISO 14064-3 Greenhouse gases - Part 3: Specifications and guidance for the validation and verification of claims relating to greenhouse gases UNI EN ISO 14067 Greenhouse gases - Climate footprint of products (Product carbon footprint) - Requirements and guidelines for quantification.

The figure below summarizes the best known method in the Anglo-Saxon world as "CARBON OFFSET"

  1. The company quantifies its emissions ->
  2. The company plans a financial investment for environmental protection whose monetary value is determined by the market ->
  3. The company buys carbon credits from a generating company in enough numbers to balance or reduce its emissions ->
  4. Once the transaction has taken place, the company receives a certificate from a certifying body stating the objective achieved (neutralization or reduction) ->
  5. The company applies a "Carbon Neutrality" or "Carbon Zero" logo to its organization or products

The action of D&D Consulting sas

D&D has access and availability to a stock of carbon credits of approximately 2,000,000 units and is currently the largest European tank. The origin is Italian, the certification is Italian and the location of the generating companies is Veneto.

At your specific request, the financial transaction of securities (credits) can take place through:

  • direct B2B bargaining between the parent company and yours.
  • through an Italian register (ON LINE platform) of credits. 
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